With my counter-subversion hat on again I would imagine one thing we need to remember is that there is a very high probability that the 'instigators' (i.e. agents provocateurs) of all these riots are MI5 assets. Yaxely-Lennon being a prime example. If he wasn't an asset, and the State didn't like fascists, then he would be currently serving a long jail sentence.

And like you say, it's a perfect pretext for the State to give themselves even more self-protection powers. Maybe they need to do this now in advance of whatever evil thing they have planned in the near future.

The State loves fascists because they are fascists. In Britain, it's been like this since 1066. Prior to that date, we did indeed govern ourselves (we had a kind of liberal socialist democracy). Even in Roman Britain after Boudicca taught the fascists a lesson that particular group of fascists realised that if they attack a people's cultural identity (like they did in France - annihilating it completely) then there will be a reaction (for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction - although in the people's case, we outnumber the monsters by 99 to 1 - they must be terrified!). So that's the point when the Romans turned to the protection racket to rule their empire, allowing the local chief to govern as before so long as they paid tribute - which of course they could pay because they got access to the Roman/European free market so they would've made a tidy profit ultimately.

Anyway, here's another irony - Roman Britain was multicultural! And no one really had a go at each other. I think there is definitely a pagan explanation for that one. As soon as Judaeo-Christianity came along so too did 'othering'. The Anglo-Saxons did kind of resist that for a while by retaining all their old pagan customs, but the real fascist oppression of patriarchal JC was inflicted on Britannia post-1066. If people could only realise that it's been the same ever since, that we are an occupied country, and that what we call 'the State' is simply the same social group as the Normans, with the same 'cultural identity', who view we the people as the native population to be subjugated and owned and indentured as serfs, then they would suddenly understand what it actually means to be 'British'. They would remember who they really are. One great irony is that these fascists who are rioting right now have no idea what 'British' really means. I would, in fact, go as far as to say that they are not British. They behave more like Normans, after all.

This is one of the reasons why, naturally, the State would never allow 'cultural studies' or 'real history' (social history) to be part of the national curriculum.

On the other paw, it is in fact wrong to keep using that nebulous word 'State'. In the same way that Marx deceived people by using the word 'class' - that was eagerly picked up by his employers (the bankers and industrialists) who then arbitrarily divided people by designating them into classes. Then they decided to create 'political parties' to represent each class.

In order to defeat the enemy you must understand the enemy. The enemy is not 'the State' - it is a fundamentally 'other' cultural identity who is vastly outnumbered by the general population, for whom all the draconian and evil and monstrous things they do are simply one great survival strategy. They are, indeed, paranoid about being found out, because they would not survive the people's self-defence, simply through overwhelming superiority in numbers.

Once this fundamental 'other' is destroyed/ostracised, then we really can have our own 'State' which would be benevolent. Because members of a social group always care about their own group, because it is a part of their very identity. So we'd have a benevolent State, as we did prior to 1066. I call this liberal socialism.

So I say we start beating the bastards at their own game and othering them for a change. Even more so, we should fundamentally dehumanise them. Because they are monsters.

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Equally 100% - I should've mentioned the CHIS of course, so thanks for remedying that omission! And yeah - Starmer, being a long-time asset, would naturally be fully in favour.

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The 2021 CHIS Act has just put into legislation EXACTLY what the Zionist British State, MI5, MI6, and all of its various manifestations, have been doing for a 1,000 years or more. They murder who they want. They entrap who they want. They assassinate who they want. They start wars when they want. They refuse to end wars when it doesn't suit their objectives. They rape, they pillage, and they plunder - because that is exactly what the owners of the Crown Monarchy System do - the true Evil are the monarchies, the bankers, and the billionaires, which are the ruling oligarchy who for countless thousands of years have divided humanity into rulers and slaves, stolen all the wealth of the enslaved citizens, and created governments and laws for one single purpose which is shown on all the logos - "To Protect & Serve + the Crown" - that's the true evil on plain display.

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Evelyn, this is a truly wonderful, insightful, and historically accurate interpretation of the truth of the Evil that occupies our nations and enslaves us - while you call them the "Normans" I call them the Zion Imperial Empire - they all fly the Lion of Judah - the alleged "lost" tribes of Israel that made a common pact 3,000 years ago to subjugate humanity!

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I know where you're coming from, for sure. Obviously I was specifically referring to Britannia, but over the centuries this psychohistory has applied equally to other countries. Interestingly, it's also true that there weren't really any Judaists in Britain before the Normans (who were originally Scandinavian of course, before adopting the worst version of Judaeo-Christianity and imposing it on the until then more pagan-ish Anglo-Saxons), who brought many of them over with them. They were then expelled a few centuries later and didn't really return until after the 1485 coup. (Ironically, given that was an act of treason, it means every British monarch since then, and every one of their parliaments and all their laws, have by definition been illegitimate).

So that is an interesting history. I'm also very interested in the Roman period of British history, in which Celtic Christianity was formed, and was from a certain point of view more like what the original non-Judaist version of the gnostic/pagan/philosophy was like. Which is probably why it wasn't really subject to any pogroms and sat comfortably with everyone else's beliefs. This is one of the underlying themes in the Arthurian story imho - it's the meeting of that original, pagan version with the Anglo-Saxons, and teaching them that version. Then the church in Rome doesn't like it and sets out to control the 'unruly Britons', which sort of happens in the 7th century and is only partially successful.

Anyway - I have another of my parallel world scenarios in which the nasty Normans lose the battle of Hastings and the world is a much kinder place because of it. No St. Paul-ian version of Christianity, which is where the 'Judaeo-' bit comes from, imho. Given that came over with the Normans, and we've all been suffering under the Norman-American empire ever since, the outcome of that single battle takes on a much greater significance.

Everyone should learn proper history. They'd understand the present a lot better. Then hopefully know what to do about it.

Sorry for my ramble, btw.

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Your ramble is very welcome.

So much history to reflect on isn't there. What's interesting about the Normans is that they originated as the Vikings, before fighting a war with France and taking the north and becoming the Normans - but long before that when they'd outgrown their Scandanavian roots and started raiding and pillaging other lands, through their oral histories they remembered they'd originally come from Iran and travelled back there to see what they could learn!!! Zion!

The Church of Rome is a creation of the Jewish Zionist elites as revealed in numerous texts but the best I have found is The Secret Society of Moses. The cult of Mithraism overthrew polytheism and became Catholicism and flipped the empire.

I have come to the conclusion that the same hands created all 3 Abrahamic religions as a divide and conquer strategy for the true powers - the Zion Imperial Cult - those at the top who run the Zion Imperial Empire - monarchies bankers and billionaires....the 12 tribes of Israel as shown on the EU Commission flag and the Federal Reserve logo!

Just my interpretation.

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I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!

Speech from Movie: Network (1976)


Are you outraged and feel a sense of disgust and hopelessness?

If you are outraged by all of the madness everywhere you look, then know that the world is intentionally being driven mad as a strategy to conquer the world by demoralizing and weakening the people.

Your outrage is precisely the response that the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are hoping to elicit from you and everyone else. The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are doing everything that they can to instigate “The Great Collapse of Society” until people are demoralized to the point where they will sacrifice their Liberty & Rights to make the madness stop. That’s when the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy will step in and offer peace and tranquillity and serenity all in exchange for the people subordinating themselves to the dictates spewed out by the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS Technocracy, and those dictates will be enforced by “Global NATO.”

In order for the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy to finally achieve their centuries old goal of a One-World Global Empire they must first accomplish two prerequisite goals:

1. The “Great Collapse of Society” using the methods propounded by the Frankfurt School.

2. The abolition of the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and that guarantees and protects citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership.

The only thing standing in the way of the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy achieving their goal of a NWO One-World Global Empire is the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and guarantees and protects each citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership. Donald Trump is the leader and standard bearer of the “America First MAGA Patriots” movement that holds the US Constitution in its fist and waves it in the faces of the Deep State RINO Establishment and the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy. This is why the Globalists have declared Donald Trump as their Enemy No. 1 who must be destroyed in any manner possible, legal or not, at all costs. Enemy No. 2 is anyone who supports Trump.

“The Great Collapse of Society”

The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”

The Frankfurt School, or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.

The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

Divide and Conquer.

The oppressed and their oppressors.

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.

To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’


The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America


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"Judeo-Christianity" - sounds like a non sequitur to me

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Trump is on the same side of inhumanity,he is not your saviour. Look at who finances him.Sheldon Adelsons widow.Both political parties in two party systems are basically working for the same agenda. Don’t be fooled, or don’t try and fool us

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Given the choice between voting for Trump or voting for Kamala, I’m voting for Trump’s Agenda 47 and the GOP 2024 Platform:


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“That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump”:

I simply reply “I'm not voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement funds in the stock market.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected and to ensure Law & Order.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico, and other foreign countries.

I'm voting for energy independence.

I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this country who gave the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.

I’m voting for continued peace progress in the Middle East and in support of Israel.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.

I'm voting for the American Flag.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored.

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future. “

I copied and pasted and so can you!.

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Are you sure that doesn't sound just a tad patriarchal fascist?

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Please expound on what you mean by, “patriarchal fascist.”

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I shouldn't really need to explain that term, tbh. But anything which pigeon-holes human beings into narrowly defined parameters of what they are and are not allowed to be, think, feel, believe, or express themselves. This doesn't have to necessarily be racially defined, but it does always involve an exclusive social group and the 'othering' of anyone who doesn't conform. There's also often an element of 'bioessentialism' involved as well - thus it goes along with the whole far right 'Christian' rhetoric, which is especially discriminatory towards the female of the species. Likewise it often seems unhealthily obsessed with sex and sexuality, almost to the point of perversion, and is extremely patronising and controlling of children. I find that aspect particularly disturbing. And it's all bound up with the so-called 'anti-woke' stuff which has been insidiously infiltrating the alternative research movement (or 'truth movement'/'resistance' or whatever it should be called these days). This is of course deliberate infiltration, and is designed to make the anti-Establishment look like bigoted fascists.

It's interesting what you said about the Frankfurt school, though - ironically enough I did write an article the other month about Herbert Marcuse's 'Eros and Civilisation', which you can read here if you're interested: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/fairytale-sunday-23062024?r=2s9hod

Marcuse, I believe, rejected a lot of his earlier colleagues, which should only be applauded. The article was apropos of a story I wrote, and delves into a bit of Orpheus and Eurydike from a distinctly feminist perspective. No, I'm not that kind of feminist, though - so don't worry yourself on that account...

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Your explanation is clear as mud.

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For the cost of one broken wall and a burnt out police van, the new “Labour” government have just won public approval for new police powers and open season being called on what remains of our free speech

NYC Police torched their own vehicle!

Jun 4, 2020

Raw footage by Lincoln Karim


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Yes well put, and much needed. The violence on the street is actually mirrored by those who are deluded enough to think they are educated, regarding the State as a benign uncle who can do no wrong. These people are even more dangerous as they have encouraged this toxicity as heralds of the narco cult of globalist trash, stoking the incoming ordinance for greater effect. I had one moron who today told me he did not believe the State was out to harm us. This is the crux of the problem.

Solidarity of common aims and outcomes is the only way to defeat the mind parasites.

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Possibly only about 10% are fight-ready. The other 90% are flush with excuses, or ignorant, or cowardly, or bamboozled by bullshit, or socialists, or confused. The numbers of non-fighters are legion. Will the 10% or so of the population who comprise the fighters be able to ruin the ambitions of the globalists? Probably not. Fortunately we the opposition have a great deal of help from our enemies, who are so foolish, lacking in judgment, and filled with hubristic self-confidence that they are sure to be hoist by their own petards. Human fallibility will once again bring the lofty ambitions of the Prometheans back down to earth.

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Don't be disheartened Mark - it doesn't take many to change things: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world

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I hope you are right. We'll need every person we can get agains these maniacs.

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They are there, in the shadows, Mark. Christians are gentle folk who allow our Creator to take revenge: "Vengance is mine saith the Lord" - https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-satanic?sd=pf

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Aug 11
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Those people were "churchists" BSM, who were corrupted soon after Jesus departed and left true Christianity to his disciples and especially St. Paul. After this period (around 100AD) - the churches went off the narrow path and those horrors you point to were not Christians; rather Jesuits et al. The Vatican today is a living example of the total corruption of the message of good news from Jesus. I am a Christian Deist (google).



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Aug 11Edited
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Perfectly Stated. The illusion of "authority" - the granting of extraordinary powers no one individual has and then granting that special person or designated group the ability to use force to ensure THEIR mastery over the slaves is not challenged or subverted and the theater of "politics" to entertain and give the slaves the delusion that they are "participating" in their "democracy" must end. ANd not by "selecting" new tyrants to replace the old guard. But by means of exercising individual liberty, responsibility and respect for others. By forgaging our own covenants and contracts and by volutarily echanging and exchanging. My only additional thought over your perfect essay is this -- I believe with all my 67 years that there is one TRUE authority and He has done everything He could to demonstrate that He wishes to share all that He has with us, even to the point of becoming one of us and sharing in our sufferings and feelings of injustice and dying at the hands of those for whom He came.....But His authority is through love and through forgiveness and through community and through accepting the gifts He gives and sharing them with others. It's only "exclusive" if someone chooses not to be a part -- otherwise, all are welcome if they come by the narrow gate and learn that the places beyond it are vast and eternal and that they are cared for and provided for and desired more than they could ever envision or experience in this life -- it gives them hope and the tools/mind set (which is constantly being renewed) to navigate through the morass of evil and selfishness and the untoward ways of mankind that have usurped our paradise and made it a gulag. Humankind without a moral basis for relationship (it is there in our conscience from birth if it is reawakened and aligned with the purpose for our existence and the purposes of Him who placed us here) cannot succeed even in absence of the failed "authority" myth....the delegation of our free will to others we expect will "govern" us well and who of course cannot and do not. IT must have a foundation from which to be built and it is there for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you for this most encouraging and refreshing statement of clear revelation and a call to abandon the things that weigh us down and keep us spinning in circles (for the betterment of those who continue to rule over, manipulate & hate us).

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You don't think that 'He' is also a patriarchal fascist tyrant? Look, after all, at what 'He' and 'his followers' have done to the entire world. Indeed, that really is the reason for the entire dystopia. So I would reject 'He' outright and I would also say that humanity will only ever be truly free once 'He' no longer exists in anyone's consciousness.

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"Look, after all, at what 'He' and 'his followers' have done to the entire world."

Look at what they have done to they themselves, in the Harrying of the North of 1069-1070. and the Albigensian Crusade of 1209-1229! The Hebraic creators of Christianity must have been beside themselves with gratification at how effective and successful their deception has been through the theological conquest of Europe by subjugation to their Yahweh. Same is true also of Islam, which more closely observes Noahide law.

"So I would reject 'He' outright and I would also say that humanity will only ever be truly free once 'He' no longer exists in anyone's consciousness."

Hear, hear! I concur!

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Lovely sentiments, but whether we resist or not, they win.

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In the manner of a Marianna, I shall return your serve and tell you it's nail on the head time again, Iain! Brilliantly expressed.

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Well said Iain, I appreciate your work.

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Sad, but true. But only a real revolution would do anything at all to stop the technocracy, and it would be extremely bloody and probably fail because they own all the armies. In Bangladesh they are fighting the real enemy, their government, and they are getting killed. Sorry, not feeling very hopeful about freedom as I watch the markets crash and this presidential selection farce. Time to stock up again.

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Well Done Iain; Wise words indeed that need to be said again and again.

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I agree, but I also see fx. US militias as a buffer against the state. If there were no weapons on private hands, USA would be entirely a NWO country by now....

The aspect of UK Agent Provocateurs/MI5 agents is omitted in your article btw...

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I mentioned the agents provos in a comment above. CHIS etc.

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Brilliant as ever Iain, bravo!

If it's still a thing then, we'd like to put an excerpt of it in our August issue with poss. headline : Enemies of the state - what do you think?


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Of course. Just to say all my work is freely available to share. All I ask is a link back or reference. Feel free to pick anything up that interests you.

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Star man, thanks Iain.

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It took about 20minutes after the first mob for Blair to come out and tell us we must have a Digital id....... they always have a 'solution' ready!

Well put Iain.

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How will you be able to ignore the authority and power of the state when you are behind bars in a prison cell for not paying your taxes?

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Pick your battles. Remember the poll tax. Don't pay for as long as you can and then pay as little as you can as late as you can.

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If I remember correctly the insidious purpose of the poll tax was in fact to get a million people off the electoral register when they inevitably refused to pay it. And those million would not be voting Tory. I don't think the Tories ever had any intention of getting the poll tax to stick. It is very true that there was zero chance of the Tories winning the 1992 election without a serious level of underhand machinations and vote-rigging. 3 million shy Tories? Don't make me laugh.

Of course the poll tax was even more of a state-control grab and taking power away from local councils (i.e. real democracy), simply by reducing the amount of money they had, especially after they replaced it with the council tax.

Ironically, here in France, Macron took a leaf out of the Tories' book right from the get go. He took away 'tax habitation' (which is means tested), which goes directly to communes, but kept the 'tax foncieres' (not means tested), which goes to the state. Of course he promised to replace commune funding 'cent pour cent' but surprise surprise of course that never materialised. In other areas as well Macron has been studying Britain/Tories to see what he can get away with. I also wouldn't be surprised if Starmer's Labour (well, the Establishment, essentially, and especially the security services/police) have likewise been studying France to see what they are getting away with. Gilets jaunes and all that.

So another aspect of these riots, and the future ones to come, is to copy all those police powers from France - whatever they think they can get away with without crossing the line into revolution-provoking, they will do. I strongly suspect the idea of having more and more 'police officers' armed, and eventually all of them, is being seriously talked about in those dark, smoke-filled corridors of despotism... All it would take is a few police officers getting shot, and that wouldn't be difficult to fake.

They may need to 'do a revolution' at some point as a useful endgame option to usher in 'British Fascism', as Orwell put it. And that can't be done without a militia.

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I agree the riots are pointless, but if the average person was smart enough to understand this message, we would never have reached this point.

Also it doesn't matter if people riot or not. Even if nobody did anything, they would just make up crimes and pretend they happened so they can implement their policies.

As long as they control information and have the trust of the public reality doesn't matter.

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You are absolutely correct, alas. Society exists and operates entirely on their reservation, obeying their laws, eating their food, even aspiring to their goals.

It was dismaying to the utter extreme realising that the opportunity to refuse and unplug ourselves from their programme at meaningful scale passed a long time ago. Generations ago, in fact, long before we were even born. When we became gripped by the spell of their money, our fates were sealed.

Nonetheless, I cannot and will not continue to participate by going along to get along. By holding down our jobs and paying our bills and taxes, while we endeavour to get ahead and make our way up their career ladders, buy their products from their corporations and maintain our lifestyles, we enable them and their programme. I cannot do this any longer. I have lost all standing and I have in all likelihood shortened my own life, but I would rather an assuaged conscience than a long life of self-loathing conformity to their agenda of democide and enslavement.

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Perhaps you can take solace in the knowledge that no matter what anyone does, evolution cannot be prevented.

Efforts to indoctrinate everyone eventually lead to world where some people are very resistant to it but skilled at acting. This is because following propaganda earnestly is detrimental to one's survival. Meanwhile finding ways to lie, cheat and steal without being caught are beneficial.

As that increases, it causes societal breakdown and the loss of trust in all words and promises. Since everything is now theatre, only brute force is effective leading to riots, constant fighting and total chaos.

Eventually this chaos settles down as people reform groups, trustworthiness becomes important again and all the stages of society repeat themselves.

Those with excellent judgement exercising strategic dishonesty will survive both stages, while chronic trusters and deranged liars will be continually purged.

Further if technology use makes people into zombies, they will become unfit for survival and gradually die out. Leaving behind people who are resistant to technology addiction.

Finally, even surveillance succumbs to this line of reasoning. Extensive surveillance selects for people with the self control to make money first, buy power and influence enough to bypass surveillance or even take control of it. And then commit their crimes, or indeed legalise them.

Eventually there will be a subset of humanity that cannot be controlled by any of the current measures. Although they may constitute a separate species by that point.

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Exceptional comment. I have speculated myself that what the truly ultimate and evil thing these monsters intend on doing is to fundamentally change human beings so they are more like the monsters. They simply do this by creating an environment in which monsters are more adapted to survival. Then evolutionary adaptation does the rest.

It is very intriguing that Nat Rothschild did a Masters' degree in 'addiction studies'. That stuff is required knowledge for MK-Ultra afficionados.

From a certain point of view, we are even seeing this evolutionary adaptation in real time. It's not just about creating deltas and epsilons, but also violent ones, whose violence can be provoked with the easiest of 'triggers'. Then we have the gammas, who essentially have the Dunning-Kruger thing going on, whilst it's the true alphas and betas they need to eliminate.

I've also suggested elsewhere that the cabal are in fact a different species. Humanoid, sure, but a different species (perhaps with a common ancestor). Their behaviour is simply not human, they do treat us like a different species (just as they are happy to do animal experimentation). Given that behaviour is governed by the brain, they must have a different neuroanatomy. That neuroanatomy will have itself been a product of evolutionary adaptation, and since we know about neuroplasticity, this messing around with the evolution of humans - i.e. the brain's evolution/adaptation - can indeed take place on a very short time scale.

And as we know, 'subversion' only takes one generation, and then becomes 'normalised'...

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V for Vendetta.

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"The state is not simply going to allow us to break free."

"Who is ready to fight the real fight? Who is ready to forego convenience and make the necessary sacrifices?"

Four years ago, I gave up my professional qualifications, titles, and standing, threw away decades of experience working in establishment hierarchies, walked-off my job and renounced receiving an income, but I also forfeited any ensuing taxes to the state. I canceled all consumerist product and service expenses, insurance policies, investments, and subscriptions, licenses and registrations. They are all artifices and deceits by the owners for impelling people into bondage and servility to them by financial extortion. I cast aside the motor vehicle, the mobile/cell phone, all vanity items, simply anything plugged into or dependent on the network - I'm using someone else's internet connection for this comment. I live in some shared space, on a spare bed frame with a mattress made from a pile of jute sacks. I have almost nothing, but I have found that I need even less.

As far as I'm aware, apart from in principle support, I am alone in my single-minded determination. To the regime that sustains the state and conventional society, I am without status. I am a nobody, an inconsequential non-entity. But unless the state sends its goons over to pin me down and force-inject me, or to kill me, the state is no longer aware of me, it no longer has power over me, and it does not draw energy, nor by rapine, resources from me.

Sacrifice everything for freedom from the state. Because nothing is ours - not our selves, certainly not our property, nor even our children - and everything is misvalued unless we are free of the state.

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If you've really done this, I recommend that you don't continue forever if you want to make a difference.

A reasoned analysis of our current society reveals that it is in no way different to how society has functioned for millennia.

Namely, that you find a way to accumulate resources, and then leverage them for power and influence.

Ultimately every noble house started out as nothing, with each generation building on the foundations laid by their forebears. Eventually the family had enough resources and authority to control a village or town. Some achieved it through sheer force of arms and corporal punishment, others through charm and intrigue, and yet more through mercantry.

Usually some combination is required. Guards are needed to defend the wealth, not all opponents can be beaten in a direct fight, a people ruled by fear alone are easily incited to rebellion etc.

The most valuable resource remains human beings. Or more accurately, intelligent, motivated and skilled humans.

Don't underestimate the power of friendship.

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