What's sort of ironic is that mainstream media news such as BBC and even corporately owned MSNBC, CNN, and FOX are state-run operations which actually radicalizes more people than Independent media as its whole raison-d-etre is to manipulate the sentiments of populations via psychological warfare.

That being said, the CBDC and biomedicine will be the two key tools in the ruling elite toolbox for controlling populations within the so-called multipolar hegemony which is a guise for One World governance as billions on every continent learn they've been had.

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Interesting focus of the programme on Jewish tropes. Having read a lot around the history of how we got here, including for example Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan, the Day Tapes, Yuri Bezmanov etc etc, I believe the Jews were infiltrated by the Khazarians, worn like a suit of armour, but also expendable. All wars, both sides funded and manipulated to their ends. The shield of labelling these conclusions as conspiracy theories and anti-semitism adds to that "protection". Genius really. Add in that the globalist protagonists are often Masons, Jesuits, Fabians, Common Purpose, Rhodes Scholars, WEFfers etc infiltrated into every facet of society. General Albert Pike must be delighted at how WW3 is going so far.

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Good points-

The 'jewish' question is taboo because it is such a spectacular can of worms. The same would occur if the Irish/Erish/Iran history was better known... the post diluvian horror of it all.

About Pike though-

I've read Morals & Dogma a few times, and did some research about Pike a few decades ago. I don't see anything 'evil;' about his work or life at all- he's far more candid than most of his critics. He's an easy target to demonise for some due to the visage prented in his later portraits , yet if you read what he wrote 'in the esoteric context intended' he's a heartfelt and valid speculative philosopher, erudite & articulate, with an enjoyable & even poetic prose.

The only people I know who present Pike as an evil mastermind usually seem to have never read his work clearly, believe the lie about him founding the KKK, or are uptight religious bigots lost in profane mind-sets on arcane concerns. The same with Blavatsky & Steiner.

History should see them as primarily heroic individuals encompassed in an arena where they did as much good as they could within resonant groups trying to mitigate the horrors of rampant 'consolidated commerce' & its resultant steamroller of technocracy.

Maybe more directly relevant would be Jack Parsons Babylon workings with L.RonHubbard, Kenneth Angers work inspiring Scorsese & his chums , Coppola, Spielberg, De Palma, and Travistok & those famous groups the Scarabs/Bugs/Mouldy Pebbles .... with Klaus Barbies dolls, molls & Dave Grohls anal rage projections... Ahriman Osbourne & all those retired assets in the 27 club with the letter 'J' in their names !!!?

They seem to have shaped society to far greater extent than Pike, who was never really in fashion among most Freemasons, due to being too radical and possibly having too much integrity among all the Theatre & fake war posing he had to contribute towards?

If you have any concrete proof that Pike is the demon many accuse him of being, then let me know- I think its very probable he is a scapegoat for far more malicious wolves, often in sheep's clothing, or playing a pied pipe.

Pikes work is actually excellent,& it has never inspired me to worship goats with paps, sell my soul, lick the maggots from Satan's hoofs; nor embrace the tentacles of the Kraken; Cuthulu or any other despicable entities of our imaginations, or potent occult architects.

Both Churchill & HRH Lizi were Druids , and the Druids have done far more harm in the UK since the early middle ages than Pike- yet it's almost impossible to find such oral traditions /facts in text books or even online, while most folk think of the Druids as benign adversaries to Rome. What a joke & racket most of history really is. Pike gave massive hints in his work, and presents a spiritual strategy, in many ways it is the tonic to the later Zbigniew Brzezinsk manual for complete control. Maybe that is partly why he is so reviled by the Christian Right & John Birch Society regurgitators that are so popular these days ?

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Thank you for that summation. I have only ever read the topline stuff and do not know anything about his "good works" but to progress to 33rd degree and to predict the World Wars as he did indicates to me that he was all for it. As a Confederate General, the geopolitics of the time and funding streams would also be telling.

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He was born into it- there is no escape from the 'families' tentacles, just limited opportunities to mitigate the onslaught of the steam roller.

Not all Freemasons are corrupt, greedy mild molesters (tho that is possibly the norm nowadays). Freemasonry was an essential component of early societies and primarily benign. They are intimate with the Shamanic & Alchemical traditions, tho due to persecution from an intolerant,bigoted Church the later had to become an underground stream & ended up the sewage for espionage. This great inversion of all these spiritual disciplines occurred most notably during the Renaissance.

The confederates were no more evil or angelic than the North- Pike certainly wasn't racist, unlike Darwin.

Pike was also an admired and a well liked individual among the 'indigenous Americans' as any serious research on him would prove. So, any top-tier sources would be deficient if they omitted such well documented facts.

WW3 occurred directly after WW2, and was called the cold-war. Like the preceding WW's it involved much smoke & mirrors. Two consolidated Cults/Clans manufacturing pseudo antagonisms and crisis to perpetually sublimate their populations.

There have been no GENUINE wars since the capitalisations of the Medicis - just the vile culling & compartmentalisation of the population under the guise of conflict & threats, yet they are almost all orchestrated.

This is not to deny that people are harmed & die during these staged conflicts, just that the conflicts are not competitive in the way we are conditioned to imagine. Broad,deep research will prove that the statistics & events depicted as historic fact are almost always impossible, aberrant or tactically ridiculous. The American civil war is a great example as almost no images from the event look authentic- instead we get overt paste ups /collages/montages , overt staging and unconvincing scenarios.

Pikes good works are in his thinking and exposition. Morals and Dogma is a brilliant book with much of great interest within it. A lot is written for initiates - ie cyphered to mislead the general public, yet much is a spiritual appriciation of existence with great resonance.

If you haven't read the words & thoughts of the man himself then no amount of criticism has any validity. If you can supply one genuine example of why we should think he is evil then that would be a start of serious consideration- instead we just get the witch-hunting bigots with a religious agenda & utter terror over the public being better informed ? Pike's work INFORMS the reader, unlike most of his critics who seem to DEFORM the readers views.

Is your assertion that Pike wrote about WW3 from the claims of Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago ? Who was HE Paul ? What was his agenda ?

It was claimed in his book 'exposing' /demonising Freemasonry (*1) that Pike wrote the letter and it's on display in the British Museum - yet that is a provable LIE & the Museum has never seen or had such a letter. The letter is a fabrication misrepresenting Pikes own outlook & words in Morals & Dogma.

Think about it - if the letter did exist why would it be on display in the British Museum, and why have you never seen even a facsimile of it ?

Please think for yourself Paul, hearsay is inadmissible - don't let malicious liars feed you their poisonous crap.

(*1)The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.

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Once again thank you for enlightening me. I mentioned Pike to illustrate that the generational architects and administrators of where we are now would be delighted. If I had used Malthus instead I would not have learned from you about Pike.

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lol.... yep.


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The Vaccinated Are To Be Judged By The Sickness

Of Their Behavior In Society Among Us.

Their Physical Suffering Is Not The Issue.

Their Own Government

Used Their Own Minds Against Them.

If You're Not On That

Your Own Government

Will Continue To Use Them Against You.


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Interesting, I totally see how this works. The propaganda battlefield is really about emotions.

So Verify makes you attack a woman.

Then they make you claim "conspiracy theorists don't exist" when you certainly look like one.

Then you find yourself defending attacks on Jews.

It looks like your attacks reflect back on yourself... I wonder if there are better moves. You could attack the writers instead of the author by name? Conspiracy theorist as a term might be changed with truth seeker. Charges of antisemitism might be countered by sympathy for Palestinians.

The producers of Verify are smearing truth seekers and Palestinian freedom fighters!

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I'm not sure you do see how it works. If I have understood your comment, I don't currently agree with your criticism. So perhaps you could clarify a couple of points?

1. Given that Marianna Spring is a woman, and therefore any criticism of her is criticism of a woman, please cite at least one example of where I have attacked a woman.

2. Please cite at least one example of where I have defended attacks on Jews.

3. You consider me a conspiracy theorist. Please explain what a conspiracy theorist is.

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Thanks for your reply! Propaganda seems to invoke the animal spirit in people and have it control them. I hope it's obvious I do not support the animal line of thinking. I support your work and admire how you dig up the underlying facts.

1. One can't walk up to a crying woman and accuse her of playing games. That's what I see happening here:

> "Marianna says "the extremity and violence of his answer" really shocks her. Comically, she adds, "as he speaks Jason makes a stabbing motion with his hands.""

To the motherly or care giving spirit, this is not comic at all, and the only reply to violence is care.

2. On a subconscious level one is either "with us or against us". You write:

> While not excusing Jason's tweet in any way, there is a context that Marianna Spring chose not to report.

This is softening "our" attack against "them". In binary mode, this gets you sorted in the "other" bin. Like what happened to Jeremy Corbyn, who does not seem to have any hate in his heart.

3. A conspiracy theorist is like a child who doubts his parents. Things this person says are silly and ridiculous. Good citizens look down on this person. This person has to be lifted out of his juvenile thinking.

As you write, and I agree with, there is no rational definition of a conspiracy theorist. The word is only ever used in an animal sense.

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Thanks. I can see that I misunderstood your initial comment.

1. I stand by "comically" because I think it fair to say that if any of us described the act of "stabbing" making an associated hand gesture is in no way evidence that we endorse the act or are inherently violent as Marianna absurdly insinuates. I guess it depends upon your tastes in comedy. I really like surrealist absurdist comedy like Monty Python. Absurdity make me laugh so for me Springs claim was funny.

2. I think context is vital. The point here was to draw a distinction between the antisemitic statement in isolation and the context within which it occurred. Alone its can be used by Spring as "evidence" that Jason is "antisemitic" but once we understand the context that "evidence" is highly questionable.

In my opinion, it is the context that strongly suggests the comment of a man who is opposed to racism. Thus making the allegation that it proves he is antisemitic untenable. I suggest to you that it is both possible to view the tweet as antisemitic, in and of itself, while simultaneously understanding that this was a poorly judged response made in anger, and does not suggest that the author is antisemitic.

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Indeed, if you take words designed to appeal to the animal spirit into the intellectual context, they become surreal absurd comedy.

If you analyze them in their own realm, you will find that they are subconscious programming. For example, to associate Jason with stabbing, Jeremy with hate, or blame rising prices on Vladimir. For myself, I have not figured out how to watch propaganda without being influenced.

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Maybe you've confounded 'animal spirit' with 'LOWER NATURE' ?

although similar they are not the same.

Canetti's famous work 'crowds and power' is a book I highly recommend to you from your views above.

There is a petit bourgeois, domesticated conformity to envision words like 'violence, and hate ' as 'Negative' , however this is erroneous , it is another scam to instil more compliance while a catalyst for triggering intolerance.

Without violence life would never have taken root, wouldn't grow, and couldn't adapt. Most sports would cease to exist, and most music would be insipid and passionless . Like Hate & Anger these are NATURAL emotions that we all experience in variable quantities and qualities.

There was a good Blakes 7 episode called Volcano (?) that deal with the dilemma of passivity from enforced pacifism.

If all 'negatives' ( really just a stupid Fashion of virtue signalling, moral prejudice or mental hubris) were dispelled , then no positives could co-exist as a dynamic.

Again, its a trick to divide and generate denial complexes.

Spelling derives from Spells. Symbolically these have 'correspondences' (medieval term) and word/picture associations (Robert Anton Wilson re-terming). Advertising and Propaganda are high spell craft often using PHONETIC & archetypical attributes for subliminal effect. No one is immune from its influence, you just have to reconcile or transcend it as best you can.

Good Luck!

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I found her phrase "At the extreme end we have seen conspiracy theory driven riots at the US capital and a coup attempt foiled in Germany" rather interesting. a lot has been said about the Washington riots, less about the German 'coup'. Was this not the Gerrman police rounding up the supporters of, not the new Fuhrer, but the new Kaiser, a rather elderly aristocrat I believe. Now the Conspiracy bit: I believe this happened on the weekend that Angela Merkels' admission that NATO ignored the Minsk accords was made public. First item on BBC news that morning - the 'coup', not the Minsk admission.

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Very simply - Marimba Spring of the VILIFY programme, is a smarmy hypocrite, gaslighting devious shit stirring apologist for oppressive scum, who may most likely transpire to be an Elitist Phoenician/Alien hybrid having to endure a very patient hysteria over their overt Eugenics agendas.... Before they kill & consume us they wish to torture us with Hypocrisy, cognitive constipation & bare faced lies mixed with crocodile tears.

When I was at school we avoided girls like her because they were headfucked.... & head-fuckers.

Now-a-days she appears to be the perfect representative for the BBC groomed Media Spook Factory. Uncannily,she is just like lots of other posh twerps infesting the media with their insatiable coke habits, sociopathic mediatrix & narcissism.

We are free to imagine whatever we like about her, in grueling detail and impossible physical attributes & combinations, if you so wish.

My personal preference is to envision tickling her until she has a heart attack and poops herself... if only she had a heart though!

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