Mar 6, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

An example of how things can be introduced by stealth came for me this morning when I went to book a room on AirBandB. I could not use my credit card nor my debit card nor my husband's credit card! It said ask my bank for security clearance.

I rang my bank and they said AirBandB had not accepted card payments for a couple of months. It was an issue their end. It seemed like I had to give up the booking half way through or use an alternative . The only listed alternatives were Google Pay or Paypal. I don't know what Google Pay even is and I had shut my Paypal account after what happened to the Canadian truckers and the govt critics who were cancelled by the company when they spoke out.

I bit the bullet and opened a PayPal account just to book the room. I will shut it again and tell them why (again). But it does show how daily living becomes more and more difficult if we are channelled one way and we don't want to go there.

They will hide behind private companies and no doubt will allow cash to circulate for a while whilst tagging it so it can be tracked and given an expiry date.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

On point as usual Iain. I think at this moment in time we have to look at alternatives.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

CBDC will be backed by "totalitarianism." Stakeholder capitalism is code for a technocratic dictatorship. Trillion dollar asset management firms are eager to design "all" public policy utilizing AI algorithms. This technocracy will determine the most effective way to extract a laborers wealth while controlling their behavior. The Grubbies want to account for every person and every dime, so is it too difficult to imagine the next step-- imposed injected contactless microchip payments. The ultimate biometric device which could remotely be deactivated, if the unfortunate victim is considered undesirable.

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Here in the USA, the right of the Federal Reserve and Commercial Banks to force the usage of CBDC upon US citizens will have to be litigated in the Supreme Court. This could result in the determination that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was unconstitutional, and return the USA back to implementing Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the US Constitution.

Article I Legislative Branch

Section 8 Enumerated Powers

ArtI.S8.1 Overview of Congress's Enumerated Powers

Clause 1 General Welfare

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Clause 5 Standards

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

ArtI.S8.C5.1 Congress's Coinage Power


Once the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is repealed, then the US can enact a Third Bank of the US based upon a Hamiltonian-style National Credit System that will create Life, Liberty, Happiness, and Prosperity for all citizens in an American System of Political Economy as envisioned by the Founders, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Matthew Carey, Abraham Lincoln, and presently, Donald Trump.



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This is a brilliant piece of work, Iain. Sharing it with the people close to me.

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Bill introduced to outlaw CBDC for individuals, good start but ‘testing’ needs to be outlawed too:


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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Liked by Iain Davis

When a human brain asks a leg to lift, billions of muscle cells obey and cooperate to get it done. A brain which can't feed its muscles perishes, as do muscles that refuse to execute their brain's orders.

Money is the nerve system of human societies. As a brain cannot tell each individual cell what to do, so bankers cannot instruct each individual human. The brain can only set objectives to the degree that it is obeyed.

Say a society "upgrades" its nerve system from bank money to CBDC. It could empower its brain with more information, or confuse it with too much detail. It could cripple its muscles with micromanagement, or strengthen them in harmony.

One thing all brains agree on is that the eurodollar nerve system is running on its last legs. They're positioning CBDC as the new nerve system. What are the alternatives?

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What happens if I don't use Paypal, or "First, lets ONLY do evil" Google? For us, we will tay at a hotel that takes a credit card or cash. Go somewhere where we can stay with friends. Go camping. Do a "staycation."

Until people quit feeding the beast, as they say, "the beatings will continue until morale improves."

I, for one, am UTTERLY SICK of whining, cowardly people, like one woman, telling her about the aborted fetal material used (2) or tested with (2) in the Covid shots said "I know, but I just want to go to Cancun next month." I dropped that relationship.

The West is FILLED with cowards. We will not survive as cowards. Are we REALLY related to the Greatest Generation??? Sure doesn't seem like it.

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This is a good overview but we must go deeper.

First, the current inflation driven debt based system is being intentionally destroyed. They don’t intend to provide people the choice of whether or not they want to adopt CBDCs. The existing paradigm will be in shambles, and the new system will be presented as the savior. Rejecting it would mean having an alternative, so we better come up with one before it’s too late.

Second, it’s important to understand that CBDCs will not be growth driven. In the current paradigm, inflation is a feature not a bug. Population growth is necessary to sustain the system, which needs ever greater debt expansion to survive. This will not be the case with CBDCs. Quite the opposite. Regular people will look like liabilities on a balance sheet that need to be liquidated, as AI takes their jobs.

Did you really think that we’d all be allowed to just adopt CBDCs, collect our universal basic incomes and play video games all day? Oh, you’re so naive it’s cute. No, the transition to CBDCs involves a massive crisis that results in hunger, famine, and people begging for the new system. Massive liquidation of human capital.

In part 3, you should delve into the specifics. There will be no interest bearing accounts or loans or inflation. That paradigm is over.

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The 1999 repeal of the original “Glass-Steagall Act” of 1933 was perhaps the single greatest criminal act committed against the economic welfare of the American people in the 20th Century. Despite all claims to the contrary, the repeal of Glass-Steagall laid the groundwork for the creation of a monstrous derivatives bubble which burst during the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Following that crash, the first act of Congress should have been to correct their folly by restoring Glass-Steagall, thus eliminating the massive bubble of gambling values and erecting a firewall between the uncontrolled speculation on Wall Street and the livelihood of the American people — precisely as Franklin Roosevelt did in 1933 when the Glass-Steagall Act was first enshrined into law. Instead, under the threats and intimidation of the largest financial institutions, Congress passed an unprecedented bailout of the Wall Street banks, on the backs of an already destitute American population. Over the subsequent eight years, our people have suffered the mounting effects of this fraud, to the point that our nation now faces another financial blowout of far-greater magnitude than even that of 2007-2008. The only means of avoiding such a fate is the immediate restoration of Glass-Steagall today as the necessary first step to a full FDR-style recovery program, as has been spelled out in detail by LaRouchePAC.

Glass-Steagall put properly, is not a federal regulation aimed at restraining the criminal temptations of an otherwise happy-go-lucky Wall Street. Glass-Steagall’s aim is to “throw the money changers out of the temple of our civilization”, once again, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt had the courage to do. It is not an adjustment within an otherwise operable system. Glass-Steagall is a revolution in national policy, a Declaration of Independence against an oppressive regime.

Read entire history of Glass-Steagall Act and learn how it separated commercial banking from speculative investment banking, and how its repeal has destroyed the US and world economy.





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Thank you Iain for a detailed analysis of a highly complex subject which will go over most peoples' heads I guess, judging by the response here. I have studied the BoE docs and agree with you that the programmable retail CBDC will be left to their PIPs lackeys action, thus offering plausible deniability as usual, whilst the Masters remain aloof. Richard Werner thinks the project is not viable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR4beYAJTRw but he's probably in on it anyway.

A Chinese reader sent me this a while ago (3 years old) on how CBDCs prototypes work there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXyzpMDtpSE Of course this population is naturally compliant as demonstrated.

My colleague at BOOM doesn't agree with us and has his own offering at the end of this recent Editorial, which of course makes sense, but fails to offer what the banksters want most - total control - so they won't adopt it: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/us-banks-are-ok-china-peace-plan?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=111199684&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

Resistance is vital, as you say, but how? The only option I have arrived at after decades of searching is to form self-reliant local economies with local money held mainly within local bounds - I wrote about this: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w

There is much more to it, of course, but a good model I found was was in 1754!

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Diary-Thomas-Turner-1754-1765/dp/0952451603 An Appendix about how finance, credit and money was managed without banks is illuminating.

I communicate with many Substackers who have other realistic ideas and as long as we can work together I feel we have a chance of 'Protecting' our assets and 'Surviving' the onslaught of the Banksters by 'Going Local' as opposed to succumbing to 'Going Direct'. Dr Peter Breggin disagrees and says that they will track us dissenters down to the end so it might ultimately come to guerilla warfare. This is too far ahead for me to consider.

I for one will not forsake my freedom without a fight to the death and I will take some of them with me if necessary! My readers in America are armed to the teeth unlike us Brits, so I guess it will be longbows and sledge hammers at ten paces. (Allow me a little phantasy!).

I have no illusions that the enemy is all powerful and that attempting any form of direct challenge, like promoting the use of cash, will only offer mosquito bites on the body of the Leviathans. For what it's worth I am with you in your quest.

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Many thanks Iain. Come across your work during Covid1984 and it is the best in the game. Purchased a hard copy of Pseudopandemic, though I haven't read it all yet. I especially appreciate your non hyperbolic, non religious, factual (wherever possible) and rational commentary/work/analysis.

All governance is tyrannical. Do not comply.

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South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem vetoed legislation that would have identified central bank digital currency as money with cryptocurrency being excluded.


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And, when the power goes out...?? That will be certainly be 'interesting.'

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Hey Iain, I have a question for you - have you read David Graeber's masterpiece DEBT: THE FIRST 5000 YEARS?

I recently read it and it absolutely blew my mind. It is by far the best book on money and economics I have ever read, and it made me feel that I understand what's going on in the world far more than I did before.

I'd love to get your take on it if you've read it.

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Thank you for all you do! God Bless!

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