The establishment wouldn’t stand a chance without their control of the legacy media and of course their upcoming attempt at control of the internet. Many more people disbelieve the stories they’re told in the MSM than most of us think. I say this just based on chatting with colleagues etc. I believe that many people are frightened of making their skepticism public as the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label they’ll have slapped on them has become quite toxic. This is clearly intentional. However when I speak to people about my concerns about Covid/Ukraine etc many if not all, have their own doubts about the establishment narratives. I genuinely believe that we aren’t up against as many people as we might think. The likes of Spring would just like us to think so. We are all lone nutcases we are told, but she knows very well how wrong this is, otherwise why bother with us. And why unearth Regan? Most people simply don’t speak out or act on their own concerns; they accept we are lied to like it’s the standard and get on with their lives - voting for the Uniparty at the next election and expecting things to get better. Understanding the magnitude of what accepting the real truth about 9/11 would mean is simply too much for them though and they shut down. Literally I’ve seen people shut down. Like when you try and comprehend what’s outside the universe. Their minds just can’t go there. Accepting the TRUE horror of 9/11 is a rite of passage.
Sorry - I’m rambling now.
Thank you Iain. Your posts are always excellent, as well as being enlightening and entertaining. 👍🏻
Some very good points - much of the horror is 'conditioned conformity' .
You may not be very surprised to discover that the MSM/legacy media IS the establishment, not just that they appear independent bodies that are seen to have vested interests.
The Pilgrims Society is worth considering.
Deeper research will show you that all the same families/connections were instrumental in establishing & channeling print works, education; 'modern' science/ medicine /Eugenics agendas; slavery; omnipresent espionage ; 'acting/theatre/entertainment industries .... & so on & so forth.
Just wait until you seriously consider The Darwinian Theory fraud, The uncanny Big Bang scam (in space no one can hear any bangs !) the Nuke scam (fear & finance) , the great constructed taboo Holohoax (lice chamber con- number inflations/ Zionist catalyst), NASA's fake space plops.... & look at the FlatEarth concept seriously & honestly (the Globe topology lie) all of which are bigger scams than 911.
Ram, you are wasting your time- theses virtue signally dimbos are only just trying to get to grips with the fact they are being lied to by the BBC.
They are surrounded by other cowardly like-minded mediocrities , all too wet to say what they think while their freedoms & humanity gets leached away by professional oppressors. When given some hard-facts they clog-up & go into denial syndrome.
Really they don't care except for selfish reasons.
The fact they don't even have the decency to respond shows that they are already lost souls, or too conceited to care about really rooting out the problems, but they would never have the guts to do so anyway. It's the bleating of lemmings who's families no-doubt contributed to this state of affairs, crying they aren't preserved in some magic inner circle.
Most of these comments seem to be either computer generated or from shallow folk full of pretense. I'm giving up on social media after all the suckers started chewing on the fake Ham-Ass attack, and now an onslaught of staged 'sympathy for IsisRaEl ' propaganda.
Well, Serge, I concur with almost all of that, except I don't consider them 'dimbos' , rather simply 'un motivated in regard to honesty & integrity'.
I write responses here to gauge the waters among 'free thinkers'- I'm usually not optimistic about the calibre of reply- many are predictable, some like Spangle were almost insufferable! 😅
Anyone reading Iain's work who is unfamiliar with the points you made & the monetary frauds hasn't been paying attention to him or anyone else that has a decent overview.
However, Iain has not yet considered the FE topic as far as I'am aware and still often writes of some fantasy GLOBAL system. Of course he, and Corbett etc know how it would divide their 'audience' and partition them into a far more radical position in the publics timid minds.
The truth is- there is no SIMPLE truth (as you seem well aware ) and insidious lies about 'evolution' 'germs, topology, outer space and the rest still give some solace to those who prefer shallow waters and the crippling comfort of conformity.
I would like to agree, however the proof of the feeble nature these virtue signalers are crippled with is too overwhelming.
They are fundamentally meager & selfish minds, desperate to find some island of security among chaotic waters. Hence why so many jumped to careeist pied pipers like Russeling randy Brand.
Just look at the state of most of the interactions here (& similar commentators to Iain's audiences) , or lack of them.
You responded to several comments & almost none have the manners or guts to respond- typical chat-bot flotsam & shallow tripe.
I rest my case.
There is no real opposition- just an industry of misery mongers.
Masochists & petty Sadists playing role reversal games- as I see you've mentioned several times here already .
''There is no real opposition- just an industry of misery mongers.''
too phkn true .. & I would include 'Humourless' in that , though some of them like to cackle a lot.
The sado masochistic dynamic at work is always evaded or too intrinsic for almost anyone to face in these times. Instead character armouring has become an epidemic.
The terms now used regarding this topic are infantile & repulsive to reasonable thinking.
What goes down rabbit holes? Rodents, Rabbits, Small vicious hunting dogs.
Who takes red or blue pills ? folk taking risks, who trust 'reductionist/big pharma medicine .
Who trust the Government, MSMedia, Corporations & big industrialists? Gullible lost souls, the un-informed, psychopathic gobshites.
All ''isms'' create schisms it seems- Capitalism induces moral decline, hypocrisy and a mercenary nature- lies are the dynamo, hysteria the mode, hubris & ennui the result.
No-wonder the biggest 'organs' of mercenary capitalism are busy trying to blame everyone else - even though they all transpire to have the same financiers, land-owners & family ties.
Why does "disinformation" get all the attention while "omissions" are rarely if ever talked about, in some cases can be literately the source or cause of the "disinformation"? lol
As for "conspiracy theory" this is only a problem or a bogie man if it threatens YOUR conspiracy! The whole world is made up of conspiracies including obviously the "disinformation chorus"
I knew nothing about Mr. Brent until you wrote about him. I knew of Neil sanders early work until he became anti conspiracy theorist and defender of the c19 vax.
I think if one would scratch a surface he would find that Mr Brent votes labour in an election.
This piece should be read as a detailed example of CJ Hopkins’ ‘Pathologisation of dissent’ . Perfect breakdown to highlight this dynamic in the days Of senile capitalism
I consider many that signed 'The Westminster Declaration' to be indoctrinated into an older stage of the ongoing philosophical system of control. Thus they see the latest stage from a position outside it's particular circular bind.
Very few understand the ages as a very gradually unfolding plan, where each stage lays the foundations of it's own dissolution and founding for the next stage.
'Very few understand the ages as a very gradually unfolding plan'
Francis Bacon told anyone who could be bothered about it.
The Baconian Trust have all sorts of fascinating works concerning it and the grand chess board of Europe & elsewhere.
Brzezinski was always an essential read... even housewives once read books by the Club of Rome back in the 1970's via readers digest or some such & similar.
For me, conspiracy dialogue is in a worst state than ever before , mostly because of the internet , tho more due to the arrogance & hubris of most of the pundits on it.
For example Jay Dyer was discussing some history on 'conspiracy awareness' & utterly misrepresented the 'field' that many of us experienced during the 1970-90's. Many folk now just imagine it all started with 911, David Ike or...Russel Brand.
I don't think Lee is "paid shill", more of a "useful idiot". I think his heart is in the right place, though he seems quite confused. I get the impression drugs have played a role (he mentioned a family member who was addicted to heroin if I recall correctly). He may have had a keen interest in "conspiracy theories" and the "New World Order", and I can see how these beliefs can get irrational and "consuming" (especially if you and your mates are smoking lots of weed and listening to techno and "space rock" about aliens and fantasy kingdoms).
He states categorically that the 911 tower collapses were genuine, end of story, but he doesn't have the requisite expertise to make that claim so authoritatively. He gets very tetchy when challenged and doesn't want to acknowledge there might be some truth in other viewpoints. Maybe this is his reaction to being "consumed by conspiracy theories" for so long.
only weak minded lost souls let 'drugs' addle their minds, others can use them to amplify their senses & consciousness.
I read a lot of utter bum dribbling arrogance regarding peoples views on Drugs,Religion, Science, Politics etc everyday, yet the most damaged minds seem to be those that have NEVER tried some of the more wonderful psychoactive plants ; that are sadly demonized by self-righteous cretins.
Anyone who dismisses 'Aliens ' out of hand is ignorant of Mythology, Sociology and Migrations. Allegory is a lost science among the little hamsters peddling their tiny wheels.
One of the foremost conspiracy theorists was William Burroughs-
He was a wife murdering, homosexual, drug addict & a very famous/controversial writer & raconteur (I will evade calling him an artist, tho he did some shotgun paintings) and was incredibly popular among 'counter-culture' folk. He was a heroin addict all his life and lived to a ripe (& fruity) old age while his mind was still sharp & incisive (although I totally disagree on some of his assertions) .
I've met many smack heads in my time, and despite any overt failings they have, they are usually shrewd minded folk that see the much of big racket quite clearly- hence why the oblivion of opiates may be so alluring to them ?
you could have added Burroughs was a (legal?!) pedophile from his penchant for young boys in Tangiers . His counter cultural status would maybe suffer , but probably no more than when the smug old goat claimed he would have liked to have worked for the CIA instead of being a writer, which actually told the world he was working for the CIA - either directly or inadvertently.🙄😂
lol... that's the horror of Burroughs, no one likes to admit what he admitted.
Yet ,despite/or because of his rancid morals he also provided a good few excellent insights into the psychopathology of urban folk, the nature of control; resonances of language; and word/concept relationships.
I would imagine many 'counter culture pundits' are, were, or will become CIA (&its ilk) assets. Some by compromise others by consolidation, & others due to the fact that they are insincere sociopaths desperate for attention.
I also think many are playing the right tune for their (the oppressors) interests without even realising it- such as CND with the Nuke fear factory.
Thank you for your detailed decimation of the weaponised excrement surrounding the "conspiracy theorist" label Iain.
I quite like the sound of Conspiracy Factualist. :)
I've only recently encountered your writing, in fact it was through finding your work on UK Column that led me to discover SubStack, and start writing again myself. Glad to find you, another clear and sane voice amongst the digital noise.
Thanks for the inspiration my friend, and please keep up your important work. :)
This reminds me of the joke about the woman who walks into a pub and shouts "FUCK!"
The Barman gives her quizzical look and asks " What's the matter?"
The woman replies " Well I was going to ask you to help me with my car, I've got a flat tyre"
So the barman says " So why did you walk in and shout "FUCK!"
" Well says the woman I was going to ask for help then I stopped myself when I realised that if a guy came in here and asked for a tissue you'd probably tell him go fuck yourself."
No decent barstaff would ever tell anyone to do that over a simple request for a tissue.
No sane person goes into a bar to ask for help with a flat tire- what are the going to do, fill the tyre up with soda water? Is the (place name & object) TYRE important to the joke?
The barstaff would just tell her to use the phone to call a garage or AA.
Why does she specify 'guys' rather than a person?
I think the term GUYS is actually a Jewish pisstake on a heavily pronounced GOYS,
and that is the real point of your feeble 'joke' here Constance.
well, there are hidden meanings in ALL words , so you just missed them in this.
Even if seemingly wrong, Serge made a fascinating comment about ARGOTH the Green Language & PHONETIC CABAL - clearly beyond your scope at the moment ? yet, of the highest importance in deciphering the age we are in (re Fulcanelli -Mystery of the Cathedrals, New View over Atlantis- J.Michelle, The Cannon by William Stirling for notable examples).
Btw- Bars & Pubs are akin in the UK
I didnt find the joke at all funny either, and without being too twatish about it (😁) could you explain what it has to do with the article by Iain here ?
Cheers!!! and all the Best-
I appreciate the links you had on your 'channel' regarding EMF & ConVD.
I'm not an expert on English and have my own peculiarities (often derived from FL CELINE !).
You wrote- " Well says the woman I was going to ask for help then I stopped myself when I realised that if a guy came in here and asked for a tissue you'd probably tell him go fuck yourself."
which is to me nonsensical.
I may well be missing the point here, but still- should it not be presented like this?
''Well'', say the woman ; ''I was going to ...'' etc
Anyways... the joke is ruined for me after managing Bars/Pubs & Hotels and never allowing any staff to behave in the manner the woman in the joke presumes- to me it says more about the person telling the joke (not yourself, but the originators' ) own lack of social awareness than anything else.... and tonight I will wake up in the middle of the night chuckling to myself over the humorous content I've been missing here! 🙄😅
The establishment wouldn’t stand a chance without their control of the legacy media and of course their upcoming attempt at control of the internet. Many more people disbelieve the stories they’re told in the MSM than most of us think. I say this just based on chatting with colleagues etc. I believe that many people are frightened of making their skepticism public as the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label they’ll have slapped on them has become quite toxic. This is clearly intentional. However when I speak to people about my concerns about Covid/Ukraine etc many if not all, have their own doubts about the establishment narratives. I genuinely believe that we aren’t up against as many people as we might think. The likes of Spring would just like us to think so. We are all lone nutcases we are told, but she knows very well how wrong this is, otherwise why bother with us. And why unearth Regan? Most people simply don’t speak out or act on their own concerns; they accept we are lied to like it’s the standard and get on with their lives - voting for the Uniparty at the next election and expecting things to get better. Understanding the magnitude of what accepting the real truth about 9/11 would mean is simply too much for them though and they shut down. Literally I’ve seen people shut down. Like when you try and comprehend what’s outside the universe. Their minds just can’t go there. Accepting the TRUE horror of 9/11 is a rite of passage.
Sorry - I’m rambling now.
Thank you Iain. Your posts are always excellent, as well as being enlightening and entertaining. 👍🏻
Some very good points - much of the horror is 'conditioned conformity' .
You may not be very surprised to discover that the MSM/legacy media IS the establishment, not just that they appear independent bodies that are seen to have vested interests.
The Pilgrims Society is worth considering.
Deeper research will show you that all the same families/connections were instrumental in establishing & channeling print works, education; 'modern' science/ medicine /Eugenics agendas; slavery; omnipresent espionage ; 'acting/theatre/entertainment industries .... & so on & so forth.
Just wait until you seriously consider The Darwinian Theory fraud, The uncanny Big Bang scam (in space no one can hear any bangs !) the Nuke scam (fear & finance) , the great constructed taboo Holohoax (lice chamber con- number inflations/ Zionist catalyst), NASA's fake space plops.... & look at the FlatEarth concept seriously & honestly (the Globe topology lie) all of which are bigger scams than 911.
Believe Nothing- Everything Permutes
Ram, you are wasting your time- theses virtue signally dimbos are only just trying to get to grips with the fact they are being lied to by the BBC.
They are surrounded by other cowardly like-minded mediocrities , all too wet to say what they think while their freedoms & humanity gets leached away by professional oppressors. When given some hard-facts they clog-up & go into denial syndrome.
Really they don't care except for selfish reasons.
The fact they don't even have the decency to respond shows that they are already lost souls, or too conceited to care about really rooting out the problems, but they would never have the guts to do so anyway. It's the bleating of lemmings who's families no-doubt contributed to this state of affairs, crying they aren't preserved in some magic inner circle.
Most of these comments seem to be either computer generated or from shallow folk full of pretense. I'm giving up on social media after all the suckers started chewing on the fake Ham-Ass attack, and now an onslaught of staged 'sympathy for IsisRaEl ' propaganda.
Well, Serge, I concur with almost all of that, except I don't consider them 'dimbos' , rather simply 'un motivated in regard to honesty & integrity'.
I write responses here to gauge the waters among 'free thinkers'- I'm usually not optimistic about the calibre of reply- many are predictable, some like Spangle were almost insufferable! 😅
Anyone reading Iain's work who is unfamiliar with the points you made & the monetary frauds hasn't been paying attention to him or anyone else that has a decent overview.
However, Iain has not yet considered the FE topic as far as I'am aware and still often writes of some fantasy GLOBAL system. Of course he, and Corbett etc know how it would divide their 'audience' and partition them into a far more radical position in the publics timid minds.
The truth is- there is no SIMPLE truth (as you seem well aware ) and insidious lies about 'evolution' 'germs, topology, outer space and the rest still give some solace to those who prefer shallow waters and the crippling comfort of conformity.
I would like to agree, however the proof of the feeble nature these virtue signalers are crippled with is too overwhelming.
They are fundamentally meager & selfish minds, desperate to find some island of security among chaotic waters. Hence why so many jumped to careeist pied pipers like Russeling randy Brand.
Just look at the state of most of the interactions here (& similar commentators to Iain's audiences) , or lack of them.
You responded to several comments & almost none have the manners or guts to respond- typical chat-bot flotsam & shallow tripe.
I rest my case.
There is no real opposition- just an industry of misery mongers.
Masochists & petty Sadists playing role reversal games- as I see you've mentioned several times here already .
sorry, not getting notifications for some reason-
''There is no real opposition- just an industry of misery mongers.''
too phkn true .. & I would include 'Humourless' in that , though some of them like to cackle a lot.
The sado masochistic dynamic at work is always evaded or too intrinsic for almost anyone to face in these times. Instead character armouring has become an epidemic.
Thank you, Chris. Well rambled.
The terms now used regarding this topic are infantile & repulsive to reasonable thinking.
What goes down rabbit holes? Rodents, Rabbits, Small vicious hunting dogs.
Who takes red or blue pills ? folk taking risks, who trust 'reductionist/big pharma medicine .
Who trust the Government, MSMedia, Corporations & big industrialists? Gullible lost souls, the un-informed, psychopathic gobshites.
All ''isms'' create schisms it seems- Capitalism induces moral decline, hypocrisy and a mercenary nature- lies are the dynamo, hysteria the mode, hubris & ennui the result.
No-wonder the biggest 'organs' of mercenary capitalism are busy trying to blame everyone else - even though they all transpire to have the same financiers, land-owners & family ties.
Why does "disinformation" get all the attention while "omissions" are rarely if ever talked about, in some cases can be literately the source or cause of the "disinformation"? lol
As for "conspiracy theory" this is only a problem or a bogie man if it threatens YOUR conspiracy! The whole world is made up of conspiracies including obviously the "disinformation chorus"
"As for "conspiracy theory" this is only a problem or a bogie man if it threatens YOUR conspiracy! "
Boom !
Nailed it.
I knew nothing about Mr. Brent until you wrote about him. I knew of Neil sanders early work until he became anti conspiracy theorist and defender of the c19 vax.
I think if one would scratch a surface he would find that Mr Brent votes labour in an election.
perhaps he wants to be poor man's Russel Brand.
Got a feeling the dancing Israelis dug out the Morris pole for a spin when he popped out of the woodwork
Brent Lee Regan maybe beyond help.
This made me chuckle, "Brent is eager to promote his work".
I don't think that the dude has done a single day's work in his life.
And then there was this, "I'm friendly, um, former conspiracist..."
"Now kindly go eff yourself".
I wonder if he's related to Swampy ?
This piece should be read as a detailed example of CJ Hopkins’ ‘Pathologisation of dissent’ . Perfect breakdown to highlight this dynamic in the days Of senile capitalism
Thanks Iain
Some great stuff in simple clarity.
An FYI link
I consider many that signed 'The Westminster Declaration' to be indoctrinated into an older stage of the ongoing philosophical system of control. Thus they see the latest stage from a position outside it's particular circular bind.
Very few understand the ages as a very gradually unfolding plan, where each stage lays the foundations of it's own dissolution and founding for the next stage.
Thanks again
'Very few understand the ages as a very gradually unfolding plan'
Francis Bacon told anyone who could be bothered about it.
The Baconian Trust have all sorts of fascinating works concerning it and the grand chess board of Europe & elsewhere.
Brzezinski was always an essential read... even housewives once read books by the Club of Rome back in the 1970's via readers digest or some such & similar.
For me, conspiracy dialogue is in a worst state than ever before , mostly because of the internet , tho more due to the arrogance & hubris of most of the pundits on it.
For example Jay Dyer was discussing some history on 'conspiracy awareness' & utterly misrepresented the 'field' that many of us experienced during the 1970-90's. Many folk now just imagine it all started with 911, David Ike or...Russel Brand.
I don't think Lee is "paid shill", more of a "useful idiot". I think his heart is in the right place, though he seems quite confused. I get the impression drugs have played a role (he mentioned a family member who was addicted to heroin if I recall correctly). He may have had a keen interest in "conspiracy theories" and the "New World Order", and I can see how these beliefs can get irrational and "consuming" (especially if you and your mates are smoking lots of weed and listening to techno and "space rock" about aliens and fantasy kingdoms).
He states categorically that the 911 tower collapses were genuine, end of story, but he doesn't have the requisite expertise to make that claim so authoritatively. He gets very tetchy when challenged and doesn't want to acknowledge there might be some truth in other viewpoints. Maybe this is his reaction to being "consumed by conspiracy theories" for so long.
only weak minded lost souls let 'drugs' addle their minds, others can use them to amplify their senses & consciousness.
I read a lot of utter bum dribbling arrogance regarding peoples views on Drugs,Religion, Science, Politics etc everyday, yet the most damaged minds seem to be those that have NEVER tried some of the more wonderful psychoactive plants ; that are sadly demonized by self-righteous cretins.
Anyone who dismisses 'Aliens ' out of hand is ignorant of Mythology, Sociology and Migrations. Allegory is a lost science among the little hamsters peddling their tiny wheels.
One of the foremost conspiracy theorists was William Burroughs-
He was a wife murdering, homosexual, drug addict & a very famous/controversial writer & raconteur (I will evade calling him an artist, tho he did some shotgun paintings) and was incredibly popular among 'counter-culture' folk. He was a heroin addict all his life and lived to a ripe (& fruity) old age while his mind was still sharp & incisive (although I totally disagree on some of his assertions) .
I've met many smack heads in my time, and despite any overt failings they have, they are usually shrewd minded folk that see the much of big racket quite clearly- hence why the oblivion of opiates may be so alluring to them ?
you could have added Burroughs was a (legal?!) pedophile from his penchant for young boys in Tangiers . His counter cultural status would maybe suffer , but probably no more than when the smug old goat claimed he would have liked to have worked for the CIA instead of being a writer, which actually told the world he was working for the CIA - either directly or inadvertently.🙄😂
lol... that's the horror of Burroughs, no one likes to admit what he admitted.
Yet ,despite/or because of his rancid morals he also provided a good few excellent insights into the psychopathology of urban folk, the nature of control; resonances of language; and word/concept relationships.
I would imagine many 'counter culture pundits' are, were, or will become CIA (&its ilk) assets. Some by compromise others by consolidation, & others due to the fact that they are insincere sociopaths desperate for attention.
I also think many are playing the right tune for their (the oppressors) interests without even realising it- such as CND with the Nuke fear factory.
Where's the interview you did w Erhett (sp?) w the off Gaurdian you mentioned on Ruriks show if you don't me asking Iain?
Thank you for your detailed decimation of the weaponised excrement surrounding the "conspiracy theorist" label Iain.
I quite like the sound of Conspiracy Factualist. :)
I've only recently encountered your writing, in fact it was through finding your work on UK Column that led me to discover SubStack, and start writing again myself. Glad to find you, another clear and sane voice amongst the digital noise.
Thanks for the inspiration my friend, and please keep up your important work. :)
This reminds me of the joke about the woman who walks into a pub and shouts "FUCK!"
The Barman gives her quizzical look and asks " What's the matter?"
The woman replies " Well I was going to ask you to help me with my car, I've got a flat tyre"
So the barman says " So why did you walk in and shout "FUCK!"
" Well says the woman I was going to ask for help then I stopped myself when I realised that if a guy came in here and asked for a tissue you'd probably tell him go fuck yourself."
No decent barstaff would ever tell anyone to do that over a simple request for a tissue.
No sane person goes into a bar to ask for help with a flat tire- what are the going to do, fill the tyre up with soda water? Is the (place name & object) TYRE important to the joke?
The barstaff would just tell her to use the phone to call a garage or AA.
Why does she specify 'guys' rather than a person?
I think the term GUYS is actually a Jewish pisstake on a heavily pronounced GOYS,
and that is the real point of your feeble 'joke' here Constance.
Maybe its how you tell them that's the issue?
Dub SurgeOn
as Tom Vague once wrote-
''Give me an issue and I will give you a tissue.... you can wipe my arse with it.''
That's not an offer btw....😂
Jokes are often complex distinctions of social mores there's no hidden meaning, you either get it and it makes you laugh or you don't. No problem.
P.s. it's not set in a bar. It's a pub. Big difference. Sorry if I upset you in any way.
There's a typo, ironically. Meant distillations not distinctions, ironic as the joke is about self censorship ( and it being in a pub. )
well, there are hidden meanings in ALL words , so you just missed them in this.
Even if seemingly wrong, Serge made a fascinating comment about ARGOTH the Green Language & PHONETIC CABAL - clearly beyond your scope at the moment ? yet, of the highest importance in deciphering the age we are in (re Fulcanelli -Mystery of the Cathedrals, New View over Atlantis- J.Michelle, The Cannon by William Stirling for notable examples).
Btw- Bars & Pubs are akin in the UK
I didnt find the joke at all funny either, and without being too twatish about it (😁) could you explain what it has to do with the article by Iain here ?
Cheers!!! and all the Best-
I appreciate the links you had on your 'channel' regarding EMF & ConVD.
It's in the punch line.
again, My apologies. Cheers.
apology accepted !
& please Excuse my fussiness on this-
I'm not an expert on English and have my own peculiarities (often derived from FL CELINE !).
You wrote- " Well says the woman I was going to ask for help then I stopped myself when I realised that if a guy came in here and asked for a tissue you'd probably tell him go fuck yourself."
which is to me nonsensical.
I may well be missing the point here, but still- should it not be presented like this?
''Well'', say the woman ; ''I was going to ...'' etc
Anyways... the joke is ruined for me after managing Bars/Pubs & Hotels and never allowing any staff to behave in the manner the woman in the joke presumes- to me it says more about the person telling the joke (not yourself, but the originators' ) own lack of social awareness than anything else.... and tonight I will wake up in the middle of the night chuckling to myself over the humorous content I've been missing here! 🙄😅