I love what you’ve written but the disappointment I feel is not just with the parasites but with the host. Neither are to be trusted. I’m happy on the margins livin off the land and others junk. Wife, two kids and abandoned abused mine site I’ve called my own for 20 years. I earn just enough to pay no tax but live like a king because I don’t need sweat shop shit and I can still work. Most people are emisserated by their own stupidity and fear.

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Feb 8Liked by Iain Davis

The "establishment" is a business, namely a gangster cartel.😁

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Brilliant 🤩

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The leadership is so intellectually inbred that they forgot how to do propaganda.... 😂

They're so out of touch with people that they just keep messing up...


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Feb 8Liked by Iain Davis

I guess I had sensed this situation all along but your very entertaining words struck a big wake up blow. Wow! Now what do I do with this knowing??

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A Long History of British Machinations to Control Communication Technology and the Dissemination of News and Information


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The Establishment lost control over their Narrative with the advent of the internet and Social Media (which they tried to take control over when they stole the technology from the company that figured out how to make social media work!).

In the US 2023 Election Cycle, the Establishment Candidates, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, have been resoundingly rejected in favor of the populist candidate, Donald Trump. Trump’s “America First MAGA Patriot” grassroots movement is an existential threat to the enduring power of the US UniParty.

The Farmer’s rebellion around the world just might bring the Establishment to its knees.

RNC Corporation Has Lowest On Hand Bank Funds Since 2016.

RNC and DNC as Private Corporations.

A Common Misconception in Elections, The RNC and DNC Do Not Represent “Voters”, They Represent the Interests of Their Private Corporations.


The “Wildlands Project” was the foundational proposal that evolved into UN Agenda 21 and UN-WEF Agenda 2030, and the Climate/Overpopulation Crisis Hoaxes, with the intended goal of corralling all of humanity into 15-Minute “Pack & Stack” Smart Cities.




Henry Lamb, Tom DeWeese, and Rosa Koire

Warrior Patriots in the Battle Against UN Agenda 21 and UN-WEF Agenda 2030


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A persistent question with me is how “The Establishment” organizes itself. I draw inspiration from the work of Rupert Sheldrake on super-organisms. Sheldrake provides the example of a hive of bees and likens it to a super-organism with the bees analogous to the cells. The hive behaves as a unified whole. Likewise, with schools of fish which avoid predators in a coordinated way and flocks of birds which bank smoothly without colliding with each other. Sheldrake suggests that this phenomenon is also at work in human groups, embracing the work of social psychologists on “collective behaviour” such as that of crowds, football hooligans, rioting mobs, lynching mobs and rapidly spreading social phenomena such as fashions, fads, crazes, rumours, and jokes.

This collective consciousness, a force that combines individual people into a crowd, is as mysterious as that which unites separate cells into a functional whole. The metaphor of human society as a super-organism exists in our language in phrases such as the body politic, head of state and arm of the law. This metaphor implies the unified nature of society.

One is minded of the Hobbesian vision of the great biblical monster, Leviathan, which he used as an analogy for society, with the sovereign as the head. However, Hobbes depicted the natural condition of mankind “the state of nature” as inherently violent and permeated with fear. In his view, the only thing that holds the Leviathan together and prevents it devolving into constant warfare of “everyman against everyman” is the social contract, enforced by the sovereign power and its attendant ruling class.

A more recent writer, Elias Canetti, shared Hobbes’ view regarding one manifestation of the social organism - the crowd, as a monstrous and destructive creature. He wrote that genuine crowds, as opposed to random groups of people coinciding in time and space, developed around a focal point he called a crowd crystal. This crystal grows like a nebulous entity, feeding on people, absorbing their separate identities, names, economic and social status until they merge into a new being. Concerted action moves across this superorganism like the waves of nervous discharge in a jellyfish. This creature exists for as long as its invisible goal is unattained. It may be a short-term goal as a lynch-mob killing or the destruction of several buildings, or it may be a long-term vision like the crusaders taking Jerusalem or the “Establishment” vision of total global-domination and eradication of democracy.

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Feb 8Liked by Iain Davis

I would love to know who is the Establishment..or maybe who controls it. The names behind the curtain. They are obviously global operators as they are changing the rules of the game all over the place. It seems like many are happy to play the game and others don't even realise they are in it. Censorship and blatant corruption are just two give aways that we are all being played.

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Feb 8Liked by Iain Davis

Iain, this made me laugh and cry .. such great writing thank you 🙏🏻 I have shared it around.

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Feb 8Liked by Iain Davis

Marvellous thank you 🙏🏽

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This is great, Iain, I'd been hoping someone would write up the lesson of the incident in a worthy way one day. I talked to a few back home about it while it was happening and they all said the same thing, more or less: "they're never going to let that happen, are they?" And everyone knows exactly who "they" are, as you say, and this knowledge cuts across all lines, extending even to those who would, in any other context, call such talk a conspiracy theory (or whatever other slur).

Notional power for the plebs, real power for the posh, and we all know it.

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The only good parasite is a dead parasite

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Yachty McYachtface would perhaps been more apropos. Well done.

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Excellent Iain.

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