I think Verify is an excellent idea; if a claim has been verified by the BBC we know it is bullshit.

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My thoughts exactly. It could be very useful.

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The BBC weather presenter the other day going to some lengths to explain that those stripes in the sky are merely 'contrails' from aircraft engines pretty much cemented my belief that we're being sprayed with poisons as though we're some kind of pests that need eradicating...

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Indeed. When the BBC dirties its hands with 'CONSPIRACY THEORIES" we can pretty much take for granted that a truth is being suppressed. I can never see or hear the letters BBC without recalling that Orwell, who worked there during the war, based the Ministry of Truth on the organisation.

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Looking down from the Ivory Tower, Glenn - I think we are. Useless eaters yes, it's published, and herd & tag them like cattle, also published.

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Well, you can guarantee if the 'spokespeople' don't want you to think something it has some validity. Atmospheric aerosols are a 70 year old fact.

What isn't a CHEMtrail ? All emissions from planes involving fuel,water, urine or poisons are CHEMtrails. Yet now they are just CON-trails (actually they should be called CON-TAILS) ...because it is a CON.

The big problem in the world is CULTRAL incompatibility, and that is whitewashed (or blackwashed !) as RACISM . Often it has nothing to do with colour prejudice. For example some cultures have it ingrained in them that other cultures should be exploited and treated in a mercenary manner.

Here is one angle to the real dilemma that is worth considering-https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Christian-Anti-Semitism-mix-2-720:3

and another worth considering that undermines the above one-


I don't fully trust either, nor do I dismiss them out of hand.

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Bang on Ian, exactly my thoughts; as Sun Tzu advises "know your enemy and stay close enough to smell Auntie's knickers."

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lol... I feel the need to clear up that terrible (yet amusing) slur on the brilliant SunTzu-

''"If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; ... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle" is what he actually wrote.

I think your quote is actually by Stephen Chow or one of the lucky stars team ?

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I made it up Ram - not that many people know the BBC is 'Auntie' :-) But thank you for returning the glorious Sun Tzu to his proper status.

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I quite like the long form article as you can expand and cover in more detail. In saying that your shorter articles are also good.

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Don't you love living in a time where people openly brag about having ADHD pea brains? "Muh, Too long. Didn't read. Went back to watching my favorite youtube vlogger yell at me to smash that like button."

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LOL - judging by the number of readers who follow up on a link - you are dead right GC! You can take a horse to the water.....but you can't get him to click a link!

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If it comes from you, Iain, I don't care what length it is. I know it will be highly valuable, often witty, and always worthwhile!

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Hear, hear.

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Both witty and concise in your breakdown of this nonsense spouted by some quarters. It seems to be spreading everywhere.

Any length article, without fluff, is a good article.

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"Disinformation and social media correspondent, hmm, Orwell would be proud to know his novel "1984" is such a prescient paradigm of 2023.

Is Marianna Spring the British version of Nina Jankowicz. If she is, does she prefer bellowing out Broadway melodies or perhaps operettas. Maybe, she can't carry a tune and will just be relegated to MI6 slapstick. Words are shamelessly being redefined like when gene therapy treatments were sudden known as vaccines.

And a critical thinking person was dubbed a right-wing fascist, however, someone who trusted big pharma was viewed as a believer in science, even though Pfizer and multiple other pharmaceutical companies lost billions in lawsuits just prior to the scamdemic.

That being said, a favorite of the security state is the term "conspiracy theory" which they latched onto decades ago to dismiss and humilate opponents who carried some influence. It's now regularly used in a derogatory way to dismiss those who are brazen enough to mock the security state's official version of historical events. Which if truth be told, is more mythology than history.

The distorted depiction of reality by intelligence agencies is certainly cult-like. And that explains why the spooks on MSNBC drink a ton of Kool-aid during each broadcast. I'm sure it doesn't effect their sleep as greedy socipath careerists are apathetic about how their lies and misinformation destroy millions of lives.

Wasn't this the case during the scamdemic when mainstream media news commentators operated in military synchronization telling viewers the toxic experimental mRNA jab was safe and effective. Will the BBC now explain why there's thousands of excess deaths in Britain, maybe it's connected to the clot shot. Anyhow, these scoundrels never admit they're wrong because they consider it a sign of weakness which could possibly deter their long planned nefarious agenda designed to turn every existing nation-state into an authoritarian technocratic transhumanist biosecurity surveillance nightmare via digitalizing medical records and attaching them to a central bank digital currency. This unfortunately, will be as prescient as 1984.


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99% of the population still hasn't realised the 'powers that be' are mercenary SADISTS.

They are ALL born into, or consolidated, by DEATH & MUTILATION CULTS that are at least 2,000 years old (by orthodox estimates- possibly near 12,000/ post Deluges) -its a family affair.

Instead, infantile rubbish about SATANISTS persists to distract and demonise any reverence of TIME (SATAN- sower & reaper/adversary), which we are all contained within.

Just look at how MOON 'reverence' (knowledge) was demonised after the SUN WHORESHIPPERS pirated the world 2000 years ago

The above is a brief insight into why the increasingly tedious UKColumn are a laughing stock when it comes to esoteric matters.

It gets even more hilariously stupid when anti-LUCIFARIANS talk of Darkness being EVIL & IGNORANCE and the LIGHT is solely positive. Or when hysterical folk imagine Lucifer / SATAN & the DEVIL are one gross entity.

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The best way to discredit state-run mainstream media news is to mock them by citing actual facts proving they're only capable of spewing idiotic propaganda. Unfortunately, "spook commentators" still have a lot of power as millions continue to lap up the bullshit without gagging.

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I agree with you in many ways- except that you seem to fail to realise that most of the population are actually MASOCHISTS and want to be abused and exploited, hence why the Sadists can indulge as they do.

Media/Gov/Corp has NEVER had any credibility, but its always had narks, nonces and malicious turds they can channel.

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There's no doubt that the predator psycho ruling elites are sadists, however, I'm not convinced the proles are masochistic as most of them are ignorant PTSD victims of vicious psychological warfare campaigns and are brutally economically exploited. If you're powerless and don't have any other realistic options, are you a masochistic or a war-torn prisoner? 🤔

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you are fooling yourself- think deeper.

consider the main tropes of entertainment , the main religions, political divisions, mythology and psychoanalysis ( via Freud & notably W. Reich, rather than Jung).

If you do, soon you will have a massive leap in your comprehension.

(and bear in mind who has the real power in SadoMasochist relationships, which surprises many lay-folk)

BTW - I've lived for over half a century and find most of US are not 'ignorant PTSD VICTIMS ', we just have various challenges to face, mitigate or transcend. Personas on the internet are very different from 'real-life'.

Good luck & All the best.

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There is most likely a cabal of wealthy who

historically are interconnected, and that same network controls the security state hence MSM. And if you don't think propaganda is not a significant tool, then you should also "think deeper" as it's the lifeblood of the ruling elite for it sustains the status quo. That being said, a book was written a few years back saying a sociopath lurks in each group of 100 people. So I would guess, that most of these deviants know how to charm their way to the top of the heap. Thus, also explaining why societies are a dysfunctional mess.

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I like both long and short blogs. For example, I'd love a short blog about one of the SDGs: what it appears to mean, why it is not what it appears to be, and what it really is.

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Good idea

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I wrote an interpretation of the 17 SDGs in 2015. Since then I have edited and added to it. Here is the latest version:


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I like fun blogs too TT, because satire is a potent weapon IMHO and I use it often. I found a Substack a while ago which specialises in ridicule:


And my own Alma Mater does a good weekly job: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/05/27/government-media-ridicule-470/

They are a wonderful resource for my work - for example, the King Charles pictures here offered a great leg-pulling opportunity (with truthful characteristics): https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/coronation-special-rules-for-rulers?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=119659638&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email


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They Are Trying To Kill Us.

But We Should Be Nice

- About It.


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"The meek shall inherit the Earth........if that's alright with you!"

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I have over 100 emails I go through every day. Short articles are a blessing. I really enjoy your long posts also. Hope you do both.

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Moi aussie, AN - Substack is a hard but pleasant occupation. I published my work ethic this week: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/tiktok-man-carbon-crap-boat-people

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Hi Iain! I enjoy all of your articles, but the long ones take me all day to read between interruptions. Sometimes it takes me a week to get to the end. I got through this one with no interruptions! Yay! I know some topics need a long, thorough investigation, and you excel at it. Keep doing what you do, but if you can; please toss in a few shorties for us who are genuinely short on time.

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Very helpful. Thank you.

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I love both the long and the short of it, no problem. Appreciate all ur writing mate so please keep putting pen to paper.

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Love your tldr stuff. Don't stop but do the short stuff as well. Keep up the good work. Quality journalism from a gentleman who knows what's what. Bravo.

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My comment is, it depends.

The shorter the article about the way we're being manipulated, the easier to read. But the more we know , the worse I feel.

Is it worth feeling bad about?

Needlerape, war, yes.

Viruganda? Maybe, will it help change the minds of the poor brainwashed masses?

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Short or long I love reading your work! Sorry I’m not much help am I 🤭

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Love Everything and Anything you write! I Love listening to you as well. Since the Substack phone App AI lady reads everything to me, the length doesn't matter. Write as you like: don't self-censor!

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Truth is never a copious government commodity.

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"copious?" Simoon. I haven't yet found even one sincere, authentic, genuine, or honest example emanating from HMG - if you find one I should be delighted to hear it.

It is accepted that telling the truth in politics is a certain death sentence and there are many examples both past and present. Andrew Bridgen MP is a recent living example. I was once advised by one of my board directors back in the 1970s (as a sprog FD) that "Politics is the art of the possible":

"The “art of the possible” was about recognizing the options that were available and turning those to one's advantage. Further refining the set of options to only include “the attainable,” places focus on those options that have a high likelihood of success."

So reviewing HMG progress over 13 years it seems they have run out of options having attained nothing positive?

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